8th September 2024

What Is the Pass/Fail Rate for the State Real Estate Exam

Real estate is still a great industry. There are huge opportunities to make money. Jobs can be extremely flexible. There are reasons so many people swear by it. But, if you want to work in real estate, you have to get a license. If you’re wondering how tough that might be, here are some statistics on the pass/fail rates of real estate exams.

Sales Associate License Exam

As of writing this, the most recent exam with publicly available data is the June 2019 exam. It was split into three different tests (as they all are). The most popular of the three is the sales associate exam. In June of 2019, 2,579 first-timers tackled the test. Of that group, 1206 passed. That leads to a pass rate of 47 percent. That makes it a tough exam.

Of course, you can retake the exam if you don’t pass on your first try. In the last test, there were 2610 repeat testers. Of those, 762 passed, for a success rate of 29 percent.

If those numbers seem intimidating, there are two important lessons. First, it’s easier to pass your first time around because anxiety and pressure will be lower. Second, a repeat test in virtually any subject will have a lower pass rate. This is because the people most naturally inclined to do well on the exam pass the first time around.

What matters most is that you can see that thousands of people pass the exam every year. It’s not an easy test, but it is manageable.

Broker License Exam

The second big test is for a broker license. This is a more advanced test and position, and fewer people take it. In the last test with data, 196 individuals tried to get a broker license for the first time. Of those, 123 passed. That’s an encouraging 63-percent pass rate.

There were retakers for this test too. 158 were taking the test again, and of those, 49 passed. That’s a total pass rate of 31 percent. Even though the broker license is more extensive than the sales associate license, it has a higher pass rate. That goes to show that practice and experience can lead to mastery and success.

Instructor License Exam

The third test is by far the least popular. It provides a license to be an instructor. As such, it’s a long and difficult test. It’s also a less popular professional field than selling and brokering real estate.

In the most recent test, there were 18 first-timers. Of those, 8 passed. That’s a pass rate of 44 percent. There were 6 retake exams, and 3 of those test-takers passed for a pass rate of 50 percent.

No matter which test you’re taking, real estate exams are tough. You want to prepare thoroughly. That means finding a free real estate practice test. It means using verified study guides and materials. It means giving your best effort so you won’t have to wonder what could have been. Work hard, and you can pass the test and move into your new career.